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  1. 每天三道lintcode上面的题目
  2. 要看书(网络)



  • BIOS加载Loader(MBR)
    • 预留64字节给分区表
    • 128字节给内核命令行参数
  • Loader读分区表找到内核
    • 找到可启动内核分区
    • 从分区读入内存128kB(或许更多,但是BIOS不提供超过1MB的大小)
    • 找到入口(内核的BLF header有个指针指向入口)
    • Loader跳去入口
    • 每次运行内核时插入参数

Low-Level Kernel Initialization

入口 start() in threads/start.S


  • 获取机器的内存
  • 启用A20 line,做64M的内存映射(看不太懂)
  • call main()

High-Level Kernel Initialization


  • call bss_init() - 清理BSS(被清为0的字段的传统名:在函数外未提供初始化的变量声明,variable goes into the BSS?)
  • call read_command_line() - break the kernel command line into arguments
  • call parse_options() - read any options at the beginning of the command line
  • call thread_init() - 因为要用锁,所以就初始化
  • initialize the console and print a startup message to the console
  • call palloc_init() - initialize memory system by setting up the kernel page allocator
  • call molloc_init() - sets up the allocator that handles allocations of arbitrary-size blocks of memory
  • call paging_init() - sets up a page table for the kernel
    • 在第二节后面还有tss和gdt的初始化
  • call intr_init() - sets up the CPU’s interrupt descriptor table (IDT) to ready it for interrupt handling
  • call timer_init() - handling timer interrupt
  • call kbd_init() - handling keyboard interrupt
  • call input_init() - sets up to merge serial and keyboard input into one stream
    • 在第二节后面还有用户程序的初始化exception_init() and syscall_init().
  • start the scheduler with thread_start(),call serial_init_queue() to switch to interrupt-driven serial port I/O
  • call timer_calibrate()
  • call ide_init() and filesys_init() to initialize the IDE disks and file system

    Boot is complete.

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